Nachrichten & Veröffentlichungen


Die falsche Metamorphose von Facebook

Christophe Lachnitt

Neue transatlantische Partnerschaft für höhere Unternehmensperformance und mehr Stakeholder-Engagement

A Chance to Change to Purpose

COVID gives businesses an opportunity

By Tim Orr

Making use of the COVID-19 experience 

Businesses need to take time to learn from the crisis

By Véronique Creissels & Tim Orr

The world needs a global response to a global crisis

A call for leadership by launching new international cooperation aimed at restarting global approaches

By Rainer Ohler


Time To Face Up To The Crisis

It has been said that generals are always fighting the last war. Are governments and central banks, in their rush to deploy big bazooka stimulus packages, falling into the same trap?

By Andrew Garfield